Great Britain Autumn Adventure, September 15 - September 27, 2019 | 13 Days

One of England’s most popular national parks, Dartmoor is one of the few truly wild places left in this densely populated country. A moor is characterized by its low and scrubby vegetation. England’s moors are vast medieval commons — rare places where all can pass, anyone can graze their sheep, and, in the case of Dartmoor, ponies run wild.

Of the hundreds of Neolithic ruins that dot the Dartmoor landscape, the tranquil Scorhill Stone Circle was erected some 4,000 years ago by mysterious people for mysterious reasons.

Dartmoor sits upon a granite plateau, and occasionally bare granite “peaks” (called tors) break through the heather. Rising like lonesome watchtowers, these distinctive landmarks are the goal of popular walks. Haytor is the most famous of these rocks. Hiking to its summit offer unforgettable views and a rewarding king-of-the-mountain feeling.

The iconic ponies of Dartmoor run wild. Their ancestors were the working horses of the local miners. Living in the harsh conditions of the moor, these ponies are a hearty breed, known for their stamina. Today they’re beloved among hikers for the romance they bring the otherwise stark terrain.

Dartmoor National Park is, quite simply, spectacular — its wide open spaces, rolling hills and unforgettable landscape awaits.

Great Britain Autumn Adventure