Rev Robert & Hilary Merritt

Rev Robert & Hilary Merritt

Tour Host

Hilary and Robert Merritt are United Church Ministers serving in Ottawa. They are parents of four adult children and are enjoying the ‘empty nest’ syndrome. Travel has always been an important part of the Merritts’ life. Hilary, born in England, immigrated to Canada with her parents. Living in many communities, she had her first independent taste of international travel as she worked in Jerusalem as a tour guide in the Old City.

Years later, married and with their four children, she and Robert backpacked across Europe, staying in youth hostels as they traced down Robert’s Hungarian roots. Covering 8 countries in three weeks, the Merritts capped off their adventure by completing a five month pulpit exchange in St. Andrew’s, Scotland.

Their thirst for exploring new places and learning about new cultures has also lead to extensive travels throughout Canada and the world. In fact,between them the Merritts have visited more than 25 countries, enjoying the delights that the world has to offer.

The Merritts love the outdoors, and are avid campers, hikers, canoeist and sailors. Hilary also enjoys music as a hobby and is a member of local community bands.

Their first trip with Rostad was in 2010 as they hosted a group across Italy, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic as part of the Oberammergau Passion Play tour. In 2012 they travelled to Ireland and Northern Ireland hosting a tour with a definite Celtic flare.

The opportunity to travel with Rostad Tours has been a terrific way to encounter new places and make new friends. Nothing compares to the joy of ‘shared experiences’ of a group, to make travel more affordable and memorable.