Rev James & Lilias Statham

Rev James & Lilias Statham

Tour Host

As a young minister I wanted to go as soon as possible to visit Biblical sites in Israel to see the places where Jesus walked and to have opportunity to deepen my faith. This has happened for me as well as for many of the people who have accompanied me.

The first tour I led was in the spring of 1983 and encompassed 21 days in Greece, Egypt, Israel and Italy. However, in January of 1982, I was asked if I would be interested in taking a one week introductory tour of Israel with a group of clergy. It was funded by the Israeli government and hosted by a colonel just retired from the IDF. Apart from visiting major tourist sites we were also given access to some very special places plus a scheduled visit in the PM’s office.

In 1993, I put together a 15 day tour for our 25th wedding anniversary to Greece, Egypt and Israel with a number of people from my congregation. In 1994 another custom trip was assembled to Egypt, Israel and Turkey for 18 days and then in 2010 I took a bus load to Israel and Egypt.

Personal trips have taken us to England, Germany and Italy as well as travel and teaching opportunities in Malawi, Central Africa.

Jim and Lilias having served congregations in Duncan and Summerland BC, and Ottawa, are now retired from full time ministry and live in Peachland, BC.